
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Iacob Desideriu - Gavroche illustrations

There are two books that bring my mother's memory back to me every time I see them: the above and Cuore, by Edmondo De Amicis. When I think of these books I always see them in her room, on a little shelf.  I read them many times, and many a times I put them back on that same shelf. Oh, how I loved the soap fragrance of that room and a reason to check for hidden sweets in its drawers!!!

If you read Gavroche you can not not  fantasise about the the little dwelling in the interior of the elephant. I wanted to have a house like that (vermin free of course) and I projected in my mind every detail of that house I don't know how many times. I still fantasise that one day I will live in an elephant house. Theoretically speaking, all I need is an architect with a good sense of humor! Practically speaking, flat chance. All of these being said, I leave you to enjoy these delicate illustrations by Iacob Desideriu, for this heart wrenching story of French patriotism written by Victor Hugo.

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